Eye care during COVID-19
Eye care during COVID-19
Eye care during COVID-19

Although there is a moderation in the use of the mask, the recommendations in the field of health have not changed.

Even if you have been vaccinated against COVID-19, you should wear a mask at your medical appointments.

 Rest assured that ophthalmologists, like all health professionals, will use the mask and follow strict hygiene and disinfection instructions.

Limiting close physical contact is the key to reducing the spread of the coronavirus. Symptoms such as fever, cough and dyspnea may occur 2 to 14 days after a person is exposed. People with serious infections can develop pneumonia and die from this lung disease.

If you do not have a mask, you will be given one.

Unless otherwise instructed, keep your mask on throughout your stay in the clinic building, even if you are alone in the examination room.

The clinic may ask you to wait outside or in your car instead of the regular waiting room. This is to protect you, other patients and office staff from possible virus exposure in crowded waiting areas.

The clinic is likely to limit the number of people entering. If you do not need someone to be with you for the appointment, do not bring anyone into the building with you.

Your temperature can be controlled when entering the building.

Your ophthalmologist may use a special plastic breathing shield in the slit lamp. He will also wear a mask and may also use gloves, goggles or a protective mask.

Your doctor may ask you to wait to speak until the eye examination is complete. It can then talk to you and answer questions at a safe distance from you.

Your ophthalmologist may ask you to take certain precautions during COVID-19.

If you have a cough or fever or have been in close contact with someone who has these symptoms, you should call your doctor’s office in advance and let them know. If your visit is not urgent, you may need to stay home.

If you arrive ill, your doctor may ask you to return home.

If you need to cough or sneeze during the test, move away from the slit lamp. Cover your nose with your elbow or cover your face with a tissue. Wash your hands immediately with soap and water.

Call your ophthalmologist or other doctor as soon as possible in the following cases:

You have macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy and have regular eye injections.

Notice changes in your vision (such as blurred, wavy or empty spots in your field of vision).

You have an eye injury, even if it looks small.

You notice flashes in your eyesight.

Sudden loss of vision.

You have red eyes or eye pain, especially if it is related to a headache, nausea or vomiting.

How can coronavirus affect your eyes?

The coronavirus can spread through the eyes, just as it does through the mouth or nose. When someone with a coronavirus coughs, sneezes or talks, the virus particles can reach your face. It is possible to inhale these tiny droplets from your mouth or nose. But droplets can also enter your body through your eyes. You can also become infected by touching your eyes after touching something that has the virus on it.

Coronavirus can cause a pink eye infection (conjunctivitis), but this is rare. If you have pink eyes, do not panic. Just call your ophthalmologist to let him know and follow his care instructions. Keep in mind that whether the pink eye is caused by a virus or bacteria, it can spread if one touches this secretion from the eyes or touches objects that have been infected by the secretion. Wash and disinfect your hands often and do not share towels, cups or utensils with others.

How to protect your eyes and health during COVID-19?

Protecting your eyes – as well as your hands, nose and mouth – can slow the spread of coronavirus.

“It is important to remember that while there is a great deal of concern about coronavirus, common sense precautions can significantly reduce the risk of becoming infected. So wash your hands a lot, follow the good hygiene of the contact lenses and avoid touching or rubbing your nose, mouth and especially your eyes “, says the ophthalmologist Sonal Tuli, MD, a representative of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

1. If you wear contact lenses, consider stopping and using glasses for a while.

There is no evidence that the use of contact lenses increases the risk of coronavirus infection. But those who wear contact lenses touch their eyes more than the average person, Dr. Tully points out. “Consider wearing glasses more often, especially if you tend to touch your eyes a lot when they are inside. Replacing lenses with glasses can reduce irritation and cause you to stop before touching your eye,” he advises.

2. Using glasses can add a layer of protection.

But keep in mind that they do not provide 100% security. The virus can still reach your eyes from the exposed sides, top and bottom of your glasses. If you are caring for a sick patient or potentially exposed person, goggles can provide a stronger defense.

3. If you can, get prescription of

ophthalmic drugs.

Experts advise patients to stock up on critical medicines so that you have enough to get through if you are in quarantine or if supplies are limited during an epidemic.

4. Avoid rubbing your eyes.

It may be difficult to break this natural habit, but it will reduce the risk of infection. If you feel a desire to itch or rub your eye or even adjust your glasses, use a tissue instead of your fingers. Dry eye can lead to more rubbing, so consider adding moisturizing drops to your eye routine. If you have to touch your eyes for any reason – even to give ophthalmic medicine – first wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Then wash them again after touching your eyes.

5. Apply safe hygiene and social distance.

Wear a mask. Wash your hands thoroughly, rubbing them with soap for at least 20 seconds. Follow the good hygiene of the contact lenses. And avoid touching or rubbing your nose, mouth and eyes.

If you have any questions about your eyes or your eyesight,  ask your ophthalmologist.

Source American Academy of Ophthalmology (aao.org)


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